Friday, May 10, 2013

Deaf or Dumb?

     Deaf or dumb?  I've been accused of both.  Which would we choose, spiritually speaking?

     At the beginning of this 2013th year our church went through the Daniel fast.  I can only say with honesty that I tried to participate.  However, we were all encouraged to seek a goal throughout the 30 day prayer-emphasis.  Mine was to hear the voice of God!

     The fast has long since been over, and my goal has continued on even in this month of May.  I'm inspired when I read about the prophets in the Bible who HEARD the voice of the Lord.  Some of those men seemingly heard God's voice audibly!  Can you imagine?  My dream is to hear God's voice so clearly that  I can undeniably carry out His instructions with faith and fervency.  But . . . I think there is a problem with my logic.

     In order to have faith, I think there is by definition a certain degree of uncertainty; an unseen path; and perhaps an unheard command.  That's what the writer of Hebrews alludes to: "Faith is being . . . certain of what we do not see."  If this is true it bothers me.  It's uncomfortable.  Even scary.

     However, I'm more afraid that I've been influenced by a world that says, "Seeing is believing."  My prayer has become, "Let me see You so I can follow;  let me hear You so I can obey."  Aha!  And there's my problem . . .

To obey.  REGARDLESS of whether or I hear or not.

     I wonder if the reason the prophets were able to hear the voice of God so clearly is because they obeyed.  This isn't about doing something to earn God's love or salvation.  It's about what we do after we receive the knowledge of God's love and salvation.

     I also wonder if God can trust me with hearing His voice.  Should I learn to be obedient regardless of my circumstances?  Regardless of my opinions?  Regardless of my doubt?

     If I had to choose, I'd rather be deaf than dumb.

     (Now, before you bombard me with theological rebuttals, I'll have you know my aim is to hear AND obey.)

     What is God telling you to do?  Are you in a position where you need to obey the Lord without question?  

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