Saturday, March 2, 2013

God Named You First

     Did you know that God named you first?  Yeah, God has a little white rock that says so; but we'll get to that in a bit.

     In a world that tells you to be different and stand out but then push you to conformity, I can see how easy it is for an identity crisis to develop.  Now more than ever we are asking, "Does my life matter?"  "Do I have a purpose or a destiny?"  And, "Who am I?"

     I have good news!  Whether your birth was planned and your parents picked your name out when they were in first grade; or perhaps you were a surprise, or even unwanted – the One who really gets the credit for your existence is God.  In fact, before you were formed in the womb, He knew you (Jeremiah 1:5).

     So, before you pursue your identity, let God illuminate His purpose!

     The reason for this post isn't to expound deeply on the purpose of our lives…but only to encourage you to seek first Christ, the author of your life-book.  The object of our being is both universal and individual.  Generally speaking, we were created to glorify God!  This is our collective destiny; God’s original plan for us.  However, He also made everyone as unique as their thumb print, with personality and dreams to match. 

     Why not seek the great Designer before trying to figure out the design?

     Here's the deal about that little white rock I was talking about earlier.  Check out Revelation 2:17: “To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna.  I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.”  Think of that day when Jesus pulls us closer to Him, reaches in His pocket and pulls out a rock!  He’ll look around to make sure no one is looking, and He’ll show us our TRUE identity!  (Mine will say Hercules. I're not surprised.)

     Yes…we may not see this rock until we enter Heaven, but I submit to you that because Revelation was written in the first century, our identity (or our new name) was established long before we were born.  Your blueprint is available upon request, submission, and obedience!  We don’t have to wait to find out who we were created to be.  Lose your life for Christ’s sake, and there you will find it (Matthew 16:25).

     Maybe you like your name . . . and then again, maybe you’d love to legally change it like Metta World Peace did!  The truth of the matter is: GOD NAMED YOU FIRST!

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